The Perfect Day

We spent our first full day on Whidbey Island in the company of good friends and that was just what we needed to help us forget the trials and tribulations of our stressful travel day from Bellingham. We’ve known Dan …

Back to the Future

When we initially made plans to stay in Bellingham to help Zoe and Zac settle in, we had planned to hang around for two weeks. haha, that didn’t last long. We finally came to our senses once we realized we …

On the Road – Finally!

After three weeks and three days living in Scoopy, but sticking close to home, we finally made our first fulltiming journey! It was only 102 miles to Bellingham, but it was significant for us. Before leaving, we managed to get …

Verklempt in Seattle

We have now been in Scoopy for just over two weeks. We have everything we need and it is as organized as it can be. So although we have settled into our daily routine, it’s a bit of a false …

A New Chapter Begins

With the hectic month of June coming to a close, we started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We still had a few significant tasks to tackle, but everything was finally coming together. On July 1st, …

The Big Sale

It’s time to play catch up on the blog and bring you up-to-date on the goings on in our march to fulltiming freedom. And what a march it’s been! I might repeat myself here because frankly my mind is muddled …

The Black Hole

When last I wrote about the black hole that is our master closet, I was very proud of myself for having cleared out a good majority of Steven’s stuff and a little bit of mine. He was in Ireland at …


Two weeks ago my Mom arrived from Texas to help us get packed up. Well, she actually came for Zac and Tara’s high school graduation, but she arrived a few days early to pack. From the moment she arrived, time …

A Very Busy June

Six weeks from today we will be moving into Scoopy. That’s not far off, but in that short time, we have a lifetime of things to do. Our house is still in complete disarray, boxes and papers everywhere. Over the …