In an effort to spread our wings a little and get further away from home on our weekend trips, we made reservations at the Icicle River RV Resort in Leavenworth, WA for our Labor Day getaway. We both took Friday off work so we’d have a 3-day holiday, but it still wasn’t enough. Steven suggested we liberate Scoopy on Thursday afternoon and spend our first night at a campground in Snoqualmie. So we did.

This campground is famous for flooding. It is right next to the Snoqualmie river, and as a result, parking is on the grass. No impervious surfaces here. Or sewer hookups, which was fine with us. The electrical hookups are about five feet off the ground, as every year the river overflows its banks and floods the campground.

It is actually a pretty serene place, but getting level is an exercise in futility, especially when the ground is wet. And guess what? We arrived in a complete deluge. Steven put blocks under our jacks, but they just sunk into the ground and split into a million pieces. Though we’re not exactly sure how it happened, we do know that we now have two cracks in the lower section of the driver’s side windshield. We’re assuming this happened while trying to level. Oh well.

We had planned to have a lazy morning and take off for Leavenworth around 10am and head out over Steven’s Pass. But it was a beautiful day and we just couldn’t hang out that long so we hit the road early. This actually worked out well because when we got to Carnation we found a place to park long enough for Steven to pick up some items from the grocery store, as well as a couple of drinks from Starbucks.

The roads were skinny and curvy from Carnation to Monroe but soon things improved. Since we weren’t in any hurry, I pulled over three or four times to let the very long line of cars and trucks behind us go on their merry way. For much of the trip, I felt as though I was leading the parade. I think I’ll add “climbing lane” to my list of favorite things.
We stopped at the top of Steven’s Pass to have an early lunch. We were purposely in “mosey” mode, since we couldn’t check in to our campground until 1pm. This was the first time we stopped to have lunch in Scoopy while traveling and I must say our experience was not unlike Lucille Ball’s in “The Long, Long Trailer”. We were so unlevel that dishes slid across the counter. When we sat down to eat, we had to find something to put under our bowls to keep them on the table. It was somewhat difficult to stay upright in our booth. Still, it worked out fine.

We arrived in Leavenworth with an hour to spare, so we drove on into town and easily found RV parking. We walked to the little village to poke around but since we have been here many times, we didn’t stay too long. We arrived at the Icicle River RV Resort just after 1pm. We had been assigned site number ten and when I saw it my heart sank. First off, it was tiny, but even more worrisome was the stop sign, awkwardly placed right at the front. No way in hell Scoopy was going to fit! Fortunately, the camp host informed me that we had been moved to site 38. Oh thank you!! Then he said, “I’ll help you back in.” Oh, dear god…

UP NEXT: Sleeping Lady.
Now your adventures are starting to sound familiar. Little things not going quite right, but you're taking it all in stride just like pros. You got this 🙂
Some 16×16 (or larger) 3/4" plywood blocks can help on soft ground as your first layer. It spreads out the weight. Mostly we use 2×10 or 2×12 blocks cut into 12" (1 foot) lengths. Go to Home Depot/Lowes and find the big saw, they normally have some scrap 2×10 or 2×12 close by. They will chop up and sell you the scrap cheap, 50c to $1 each. We really score if they have 4×10 or 4×12 scrap.